The widely known Agaricus species consisting of white button, brown crimini and portabella all grow on a substrate that must have pasteurization. The four Phases of substrate processing takes 40-60 days and results in a sterilized product ready for immediate farming application. Customers ordering compost […]
Read MoreProfessional applicators often have little control over mowing. To afford these applicators more confidence when mowing cannot be controlled, we initiated research last fall to determine how mowing around an application affects the efficacy of 2,4-D + MCPP + dicamba on common dandelion. To test […]
Read More(Causal fungi: Puccinia spp.) Rust diseases are foliar issues affecting turfgrasses commonly found on golf courses, athletic fields, home lawns, parks, and institutional grounds. These diseases are caused by fungi of the Puccinia genus. Some common types include stem, stripe, crown, and leaf rust. Symptoms […]
Read MoreIntroduction Yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus) is a troublesome, difficult-to-control weed that is often found in turf areas (Figure 1). It is also called chufa, nutgrass, or watergrass. It is important to remember that yellow nutsedge is not a grass or broadleaf weed, but a sedge. […]
Read MoreYou may have noticed that we have added liquid fertilizer to our lawn program this year. In our quest to provide the highest quality, premium service to our clients, we’ve developed a new program to incorporate both liquid and granular fertilizers into our service. For […]
Read MoreAnimal urine can aggravate anyone attempting to maintain a uniformly green, aesthetically pleasing lawn. Concentrated urine from wildlife such as foxes, deer, and geese can discolor, injure, or severely damage turf. But for homeowners, pets (particularly dogs) are the most frequent cause of patches of […]
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