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Mowing Shorter Request Response

Dear [Customer’s Name]

We received your email OR call regarding your request to mow the lawn shorter.  It is our company policy to mow the lawn at 3” or higher depending on fertilizer treatment, growth rates, and grass type.  We suggest mowing the lawn twice a week during high growth periods which is normally April, May and June and then again during the cool months of September and October.

Potential Lawn Damage

Mowing your lawn can have negative consequences — particularly if you cut it too short. Mowing the lawn so that the blades are less than an 3” tall can cause grass to grow a shallow root system. This becomes a problem when summer heat stresses the lawn, because shallow roots depend on surface water. A short-mowed lawn allows sunlight to overheat and dry out the soil more readily than taller grass. The extra nutrients, water and sunlight reaching the soil can also encourage weed and disease development, while the short grass has trouble manufacturing food for itself to compete.

Mowing for A Healthy Lawn

To keep your lawn healthy, we mow no more than one-third of the lawn’s height at a time. This means that a grass species that is best kept as a 3-inch lawn should grow to 2 inches before you mow off the top inch, returning the lawn to its original 3-inch height. Mowing also causes your lawn to lean in the direction it was mowed; mowing in a different direction (when possible) each time to prevent this.

Natural Compost

When possible, we mulch the lawn clippings and leave as compost. This recycles nutrients into the soil, which means your lawn won’t need as much fertilizer. Clippings also act as mulch, keeping the soil moist and cool to prevent water and heat stress. Using a mulching mower makes clippings small for quick absorption into the soil.  We also have mulch guards on the side of our mowers which helps to prevent the clippings from going into your landscape beds.

It is our job as professional to both advise our clients of best practices and provide the best care for your lawn and landscape.

As always, thank you for your business!


Dream Greener Lawn & Landscape, LLC
Licensed and Insured
4991 Library Road  Bethel Park, PA 15102 412.835.1035