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Objective #

Lawns have resumed growing and will grow more and more as we get later into the month as temperatures rise. When soil temperatures reach 45F and high air temperatures exceed 50F broadleaf weeds will resume growth and we will start applying weed control. Snow mold may still be active giving areas of the lawn a matted appearance. Red thread disease may also become active later in the month. At this point we are providing fertilization with preemergent crabgrass control to feed the lawn as it resumes growth. Broadleaf weed control will be applied by using either a handcan or backpack or it will be tank mixed with your liquid fertilizer. Watch out for seeded areas of lawns and avoid treating those areas with preemergent and weed control. Customers may be unhappy with the appearance of their lawn now and want to cancel. Assure them that the lawn will green up and look great once the weather warms up and normal growth resumes. Customers will generally get their next application in May – early June.

Open Services & Rounds #

Lawn Round 1 & 2 Fertilizer with Preemergent Crabgrass Control
Lime Correct acidic soil conditions by raising pH. Ideal soil pH = 6.0-6.5 (slightly acidic)
TruShield Apply insect control to home foundations 3 ft up and 3 ft out.

Products & Rates #

19-0-5 .29 Barricade Fertilizer with Crabgrass Preemergent 4 lbs/1000 sq ft
Dolomitic Lime Soil Conditioner-Raises pH-Corrects Acidity 15 lbs/1000 sq ft
25-0-5 or 19-0-5 Granular Nitrogen & Potassium Fertilizer 3.0 lbs or 3.7/1000 sq ft
17-2-5 or 17-0-5 Liquid Nitrogen, Phosphorus & Potassium Fertilizer 0.75 or 0.70lbs N/1000 sq ft
Escalade2 Post-emergent Broadleaf Weed Control 0.92 fl oz/1000 sq ft
Barricade 4FL Liquid Crabgrass Preemergent 0.37 fl oz/1000 sq ft
0-0-7 0.069 Talstar Granular insecticide 3.33 lbs/1000 sq ft
8-2-1 or 10-0-3 Organic Organic Fertilizer (TruNatural Programs) 8.75 or 7.5 lbs/1000 sq ft

Expected Diseases, Insects & Environmental Stresses #

Snow Mold Recommend lightly raking affected areas to stimulate turf growth.
Vole Damage Small rodents create trails under snow cover that result in dead turf.
Salt Damage Overuse of ice melt products results in brown turf along hard surfaces.
Plow Damage Lawn is torn up from a snow plow. Recommend repositioning turf sections or seeding.
Dormant Turf (Zoysia) Warm season grasses will not green up until May. They will be brown now.
Red Thread Disease that can be corrected with a nitrogen fertilizer application.
Push Spreader Truck Spray System Handcan/Backpack
Review product application rate and set spreader properly. Trim property with deflector shield down and 3rd port hole slide closed. For Scotts spreaders set pattern cone to 1 while trimming and 4 for normal passes.
Calibrate spray output to 2 gallons per minute by conducting a bucket check. Calibrate injection system by turning off main spray line and bucket check injection line by itself. Agitate tank mix for at least 5 minutes before first stop or after extended breaks. Do not drive with pumping system engaged.
Hold nozzle at knee height and walk slowly over weeds while spraying. Do not move arm side to side or back and forth while spraying. Keep elbow locked at your side. Overlap previous spray pattern by 6 inches for proper rate. Ensure equipment is properly labeled. Agitate mix before filling and spraying.