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Cancellation Policy Instructions

Cancellation Policy #

This policy outlines the procedure for canceling services and associated fees.

Cancellation Request #

All cancellation requests must be submitted in writing. This can be via email, letter, or through our online portal [link to portal if applicable]. Verbal cancellations will not be accepted. This aligns with the terms outlined in our service contract.

Early Termination Fee #

Cancellation of services prior to the contract expiration date will result in the application of an early termination fee, as detailed in your contract. This fee is non-negotiable except in cases of documented relocation or death of the account holder.

Dispute Resolution #

We understand that circumstances can change. Before enforcing the early termination fee, we will make a good-faith effort to contact the customer to discuss their concerns and explore potential solutions to retain their business. This outreach will be made following receipt of the written cancellation request.

Exception to Fees #

The early termination fee will be waived in cases of home relocation or death of the account holder. There will also be exceptions made for job loss, nature of relationship and payment history. All requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Protocol for Cancellation Requests #

1. Request Received: When a customer expresses their desire to cancel services (verbally or in writing), the team member should direct them to submit a formal written cancellation request.

2. Review & Determination: The request is reviewed to determine if an exception applies (relocation or death).

3. Outreach & Dispute Resolution (If applicable): If no exception applies, a team member (excluding those who prefer not to engage in difficult conversations) will contact the customer to discuss their concerns and explore potential solutions.

4. Notification: Following the outreach, the customer will be notified of the outcome, including whether the early termination fee will be applied.

Website Update #

Please verify if this policy is already posted on the website. If not, we need to add it to a prominent location. Copies of this policy and the service contract should also be readily available on the site. This revised policy provides a clear, concise, and professional outline of the cancellation process, while also addressing the concerns of team members regarding difficult conversations.