Why Is Snow Removal Important

With the winter season nearing its close, many property owners may be taking an inventory of their landscape this past year. Taking a look at the services they utilized or did not, plans must be made for the year ahead. With an average of around 50 inches of snow per year in the Pittsburgh area, snow removal is likely weighing heavy on the mind of property managers and homeowners alike. For commercial properties, snow and ice can shut you down, making your property inaccessible, while driving away paying customers or unhappy tenants. For homeowners, you may be worried about safety, or getting to work on time. As we are a year-round landscaping company, we provide snow removal services to both commercial and residential properties. Find out here why snow removal is so important.

dream greener snow removal truck

Safety First: Safe Surfaces

There are many monetary incentives for commercial properties to engage in snow removal, as for residential properties in terms of convenience. However, the number one priority for all should be the safety of families, clients, and tenants. Snow and ice are very dangerous when left unattended, and could be the cause of a slip or fall. Major injury is not out of the picture, and neither is a liability if a person feels like you are responsible. Nobody should be getting hurt in the first place, but you certainly do not want to be dealing with a lawsuit in your spare time. Snow removal mitigates risk and keeps both you and your property safe.

Commercial Property Access

Unlike a residential property, where you can be cooped up for a few days on a weekend, commercial properties rely on their use by tenants to generate income. If your property is inaccessible due to snow and ice, your tenants will probably be upset. The benefit of snow removal is access to commercial-grade snow plow equipment that can clear your property in no time. Ready and on-call, the Dream Greener team will have your property ready to go before you realize it was covered. The sooner your property is back in action, the less of a stressor those 50 inches of snow will be.

Avoid Potential Property Damage

At first glance piles of puffy snow may seem harmless to your landscape, but that certainly is not the case. Not only will your plant material be at risk, but water freezing into ice can damage your hardscapes when left sitting. The sooner you clear your property, the quicker it will cease to be a potential victim of any long-term damage. Snowfall tends to come around the same time as, you guessed it, more snowfall, so do not let the issue compound.

Curb Appeal and Landscape Aesthetic

If you care about your landscape, you have probably invested time and money into making it look great all year long. The time that your property spends underneath a layer of snow, is a time where your landscape is no longer visible. Additionally, as snow sits over time, it gets dirty and begins to look rather gross. Removing all snow as fast as possible is the quickest way to get your property back to pleasing the eye, and drawing much-deserved attention.

Dream Greener Lawn & Landscape is led by a staff of service experts, each with ten years or more of professional experience, focused exclusively on lawn care & maintenance, landscaping, and snow & ice management. Locally owned and operated, we are proud to serve the greater Pittsburgh area. Contact us today at (412) 835-1035.

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