4 Simple Ways to Prepare For Your Landscape Company’s Visit

As a luxury residential landscaping company, our work revolves around the lives of the homeowners who reside on the property we are working on. Convenience is important to us, ensuring that nobody is ill-affected by our landscape work. For this reason, we utilize a set of protocols, including our customer commitment, lawn mowing policy, and lawn installation warranty. We like to make everything clear and transparent so potential clients can be aware of what working with Dream Greener will be like. With our commitment to a smooth project, we also ask our customers to prepare for our visits. Safety is our number one priority, so we like to cover all of our bases before we arrive at a job site. In this blog, we wanted to provide four simple ways you can prepare for a visit from Dream Greener. For a comprehensive list of ways to prepare for our services, check out that link.

dream greener lawn mowing

1. Remove Pet and Animal Waste

While this may not fall in the safety category, it certainly falls in the “gross” category. Our team members do not want to step in on animal waste, and running over it with a lawnmower or aerator can also be quite dirty. We do not want to spend the time cleaning it up, but we also want to provide the best service possible. Animal waste and other debris can hinder a clean mow, spread disease, and cause decay in your turf. Not to mention that feces can carry all sorts of infections that are unsafe to humans. So, maybe it also does fall in the safety category.

2. Mark Obstacles and Obstructions

Although you may perceive that obstacles and obstructions are obviously seen, we believe in “better safe than sorry.” The last thing we want to do is cause damage to your property, our equipment, or hurt an employee. When we first begin working on a property we are bound to be unfamiliar with the location, so marking these objects is a great favor for us. Examples of these objects may include irrigation systems, cables, pipes, concealed boxes, or sewer vents. If you are unable to do this yourself, our team can also oblige under your supervision and of course at an added cost.

3. Fall Leaf Removal

This is specific to the time of the year when leaves fall off of the trees, and the temperatures begin to fall. Often there is still lawn care that needs to be done and leaves left sitting atop your turf can be problematic. Attempting to mow over them can cause an uneven cut, and be unsafe. Additionally, leaves left atop your turf are actually a festering ground for the spread of disease, so it is in your best interest to have them removed. This is great if you can do it yourself, but our team at Dream Greener can also oblige if need be.

4. Prepare Animals and Children to Stay Inside While On-Site

Don’t get us wrong, we love both animals and children. With that comes a desire to keep your loved ones safe. When we are operating pieces of large landscaping equipment on your property, noise is often loud and it is hard to keep track of what is going on outside our work. The safest option for your animals and children is to remain inside during our services so that they can enjoy their new and improved landscape after we leave. Thank you, in advance, for your attention, assistance, and cooperation in preparing for our service visits.

Dream Greener Lawn & Landscape is led by a staff of service experts, each with ten years or more of professional experience, focused exclusively on lawn care & maintenance, landscaping, and snow & ice management. Locally owned and operated, we are proud to serve the greater Pittsburgh area. Contact us today on our website or give us a call at (412) 835-1035.

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