Four Common DIY Lawn Mistakes That Affect Your Home’s Curb Appeal

Plenty of homeowners have tried to take lawn care into their own hands. People often say, “It’s just the grass—what could I do wrong?” Unfortunately, that kind of care could actually harm your grass. Here are some mistakes that we have seen homeowners make before they called Dream Greener to fix it.

Seeding Your Lawn

Often, when a homeowner decides to “fill in” the patches in their lawn, they run to the store, buy a pre-made bag of seed, and then wait for lush, green grass. What most homeowners don’t know is that lawns shouldn’t consist of just one type of seed. (You may not realize that there are different types of grass seed.) Grass seed should be chosen according to climate, soil, and regional characteristics. Also, it’s important to choose grass seeds that complement each other. Each type of grass has its pros and cons. For example, some grass is bred to withstand high heat conditions, while other grass may be stronger in wet, humid weather. Since determining the right kind of seed can be difficult depending on certain standards, most homeowners don’t have enough experience to figure out the composition of the seed. It’s a must to have a professional lawn service help with proper seeding.

Over-watering Your Lawn

All water is good, right? After all, summer rain is great for grass, or so we’ve all been told. The truth is, there’s a proper way to water the lawn, and it requires less frequent, deeper waterings. Many people believe that watering for 15 minutes in the morning and evenings is good for the grass. However, that kind of schedule doesn’t allow your grass to develop the root system that is needs to fend off insects, disease, and the freezing winter weather.

Applying the Wrong Fertilizer at the Wrong Time

Fertilizer is pretty powerful, and it must be used properly. Lawns don’t need a one-size fits all application; instead, they need to have custom fertilizer that is mixed for the seasons, the soil, and the climate. If you’re tempted to go to a big-box store and buy a fertilizer product because your grass looks brown or is sparse in some areas, remember that fertilizing is a multi-step process that encompasses three seasons. Also, keep in mind that brown grass doesn’t necessarily mean that your turf requires fertilizer – it could need to be watered more deeply, or it may be suffering from disease or insects.

Spending Too Much Money on the Wrong Products

DIY lawn care isn’t the shortcut that some people believe. That’s because the care of your lawn, just like most investments that you make in your home, can be complicated. Your lawn may appear different from your neighbor’s lawn because of soil, disease, insects, watering habits, mowing habits, and more. When you buy a one-size-fits-all products, whether it’s seed, fertilizer, or anti-fungal treatment, you probably won’t find the right answer, and may end up with a few failed attempts that will be quite an expense. A professional lawn expert, on the other hand, knows what your lawn needs, and has the equipment and products to keep your lawn green and lush.

Dream Green provides professional, reliable lawn care in Pittsburgh. Our scheduled service ensures that your lawn will look green and beautiful, adding to your home’s curb appeal. Call us today to learn more about how our services can save you headaches, backaches, and unnecessary DIY lawn costs.

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