The Best Thing You Can Do for Your Lawn in the Fall

Fall Lawn Care

It’s fall, which means that you can enjoy cooler temperatures, watch the beauty of changing leaves, and not worry about your lawn until the spring. Actually, that last part isn’t true. Many home and business owners don’t realize that fall is probably the most important time of year for your lawn’s maintenance. Professional lawn care in the fall helps protect your lawn from the cold of Pittsburgh winters.

Pittsburgh Fall Lawn Care

Here’s what professional lawn services suggest to keep your lawn well-maintained:

  • Lawn Aeration. Aeration is most often performed in the fall to ensure that your grass is healthy before the winter, and returns lush and green in the spring. This process takes plugs of soil out of the ground to loosen the soil, which are then left in the grass. This allows nutrients to reach plants and grassroots and for air to move freely. Core aeration breaks down the layer of thatch that sits on most lawns, which makes it difficult for water and sunlight to reach the turf’s roots. This makes it an important component of allowing air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the soil. Core aeration should be performed between August and November for best results.
  • Overseeding. Your lawn may need a bit of help to become the thick green carpet that it once was. Fall is the perfect time for overseeding, a cost-effective way to grow a new lawn because the ground is still warm and the ground is likely to be moist. It introduces new and improved grass varieties into a lawn, making it heartier, more resistant to disease, and less likely to allow weeds to come through.
  • Repairs and Treatments. The fall is a good time to repair the turf problems that are caused by disease, a hot summer, or insect damage. The first step you can take is to fertilize and lime the grass after you aerate. You may wonder why a good time to fertilize is at the end of your lawn’s growing season. The fertilizer and lime do much more than encourage growth. It also serves to protect the roots of the grass during the cold of winter and infuses the turf and soil with nutrients that will help it green up in the spring.

Scheduled Lawn Maintenance in the South Hills PA

A care and treatment plan that is tailored to your lawn, along with a maintenance plan that provides year-round care, is the best way to ensure that your yard looks beautiful in the spring.

Dream Greener’s reliable, scheduled, multi-season service will save you headaches and backaches and increase the beauty and the value of your property. Call us at 412-835-1035 to find out how we can help your maintain your property.

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